CHAT-TY (Tea) Time
Virtual Gathering (Satsang)
It's finally happening!!! In the spirit of building a community of LIKE MINDED PEOPLE, I'm hosting a free virtual gathering once a month, maybe even twice a month! Make your favorite cup of tea, 🫖and join me online on the 2nd Thursday of every month. The gathering will be from 8-9pm ET. Each 60 minute program will have a theme and a topic. The topics will all be related to wellness. Each program will begin with a teaching component, then an open Q&A, and closing with a relaxation and/or meditation technique for everyone to experience.
The gatherings will take place via Zoom. I will post the topic prior to each gathering.
Please send me a message with any questions!
Meeting ID: 821 7340 9561
Passcode: 358324
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